Sunday, January 19, 2014

                                ALL OF THE PETS!

So, I would think you would like to "meet" my pets! So I will start one by one and tell the story's! 


     Zoey is a Shih tzu. She is 13 years old and is deaf and almost blind. These past few day we noticed that she doesn't react to anything. We noticed she was deaf. I sat in my room and cried and cried because I knew she wouldn't make it much longer. I thank her every day for trying to stay with us. I know she does it because she wants to stay with us, and I think that's the best thing about it. Her story is pretty simple. One day when I was quite young I went out to get the mail. (I love getting the mail) I screamed in alarm when I saw a so very cute dog on our front steps. My parents came running out and surprisingly they screamed too! We carried her inside and she didn't have a collar on. So we called the animal shelter to see if anybody reported a missing dog. No one did! So we agreed to keep her! My twin brother was really excited about the news! We decided to have a little get-together to celebrate! The funny thing is is that it was my Moms birthday that day. That made her think. We called my Grandma and she said right when she answered, "what do you think?" my Mom said, "I LOVE her!!" and that is the story of my dog! 


     Mittens is a all black Syrian Hamster. She is very spoiled. Thats is because I joined the best thing in the world, its name is Hamster Hideout Forum! You should join. It is a super safe website with the correct hamster care! There are TONS of nice members! Hamster Hideout Forum has Mods or Moderators who take care of the Forum and keep it looking "clean" and safe. So Mittens story is quite simple I had a past Hamster pass and I was missing not having any Hamsters so I asked my parents if I could get another and they said yes. We went to our local adoption shelter and we adopted a Hamster! 
     So that is at for all of out pets! Please keep reading to find out next! Thank you for reading! Bye!